Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Basic Equivalent Of The Border - 1354 Words

Professor Gardner, I combined my answers for question 1 and 3 due to they support each other. * What is the Fourth amendment exception as it pertains to border searches? Describe the functional equivalent of the border? Although the Fourth Amendment protects citizen rights against unlawful searches while it also identifies the specific criteria where probable cause is required, the Supreme Court supports certain circumstances where an exception to policy comes into play. The exception’s under border searches grants permission for authorities the sovereign right to stop and inspect people and their property entering into the country without contacting a magistrate, and having to obtain a search warrant before the search, , (Kim, 2009, p.1). Even though searches for contraband are conducted at the physical location of the border where physical barriers and control points are established, the border searches may be carried out at locations other than at the border itself. Kim identifies two lawful concepts of authorized searches; searches at the functional equivalent of the border and extended border searches. Functional equivalent of the border (FEB) is the physical location, usually the initial practical location where people entering the country are temporarily detained and questioned after crossing the initial border or point of entry. Prime examples include international airports, sea ports within the country’s territorial waters, and facilities located at theShow MoreRelatedAir Pollution1241 Words   |  5 Pagesto use data in basic prices. However, due to the data availability, we have to use an alternative approach. The basic price is the price received by the producer for goods and services that are sold, excluding taxes, subsidies, and duties on imports. Analysis with data in basic prices would exclude any influences from taxes or custom duties, and avoid errors introduced by price differences. 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